Create Your Dream Sports Room

We have been having some fun with Polyvore lately. We created an awesome sports room that any sports fanatic would want! If you are unfamiliar, Polyvore is an awesome site where you can create your own creations from fashion, to home settings to really anything with items you can find on the internet. Since we embrace creativity in everyone we totally love having fun with creating collections on Polyvore and what everyone else is able to create.

This is our sports room that we have created:

Dream sports roomWe were able to find some awesome items that you see int his room on the Polyvore site that people have already added to the site. Then we added some of our items to the site and then used them to create the ultimate sports bedroom for anyone.

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We have added our Acrylic Baseball display case, because showing off your signed ball, or game winning ball is really the best way to go. There is no better place for your pride and joy than right where everyone can see it. You know everyone will ask about it. We also have our Rectangular Glass Football Case on one of the top shelves. A signed or game winning football is one of the best ways to decorate a room. Of course because these sports items are so important and valuable, we want them to stay as safe from damage as possible.


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Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 7.55.48 PMWe have, of course, added a few of our trophies. Right next to the bed we have our baseball trophy with year trim. A place next to the bed on your night stand is a great place for current year trophies. That win is still fresh, so you are definitely going to want to see your trophy when you first wake up and when you go to bed! Start your day off right and end it right with some positivity and good memories.

baseball glove, ball and bats award

One of our favorite awards is our Baseball Glove and Ball Award. This is so much fun, and really not like most trophies and awards. These are especially great for the young ones! They are of course so much fun to win, but look great in any kids room with any decor.. or toys! Plus, the darker stone color looks great against other shiny gold or silver trophies.


Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 7.55.48 PMThe last trophy we have on the shelf is one of our Metal Soccer Awards. These are so awesome because it takes the idea of a classic trophy with the color and shine, but them changed the shape from a tall column to exploding it into a soccer ball. What soccer player wouldn’t want to win a gold soccer ball and be able to see it every day on their shelf?

Polyvore is so much fun, and we recommend playing around with this if you can! Check out our page to get some inspiration and create your own set!

Send us a image or link of your dream sports room or any sort of sports set and we will share it! Can’t wait to see what you all create!

Baseball Fun = Fun Baseball Awards


Baseball season is right around the corner and we know how excited everyone is getting! Who doesn’t love baseball? Getting the chance to go to a baseball game is one of the funnest things to do in the spring and summer. For fans it is the whole experience of being outside with your friends and all the other fans cheering on your favorite team with a hotdog in hand is such an experience. For the players it is all about being on the field with their teammates and working together. Working so hard for that win and trophy is the best thing, and we are so happy we can offer part of that to you.

baseball season collage

Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 8.13.30 PMWe have so many fun baseball awards that we want to share with everyone. Because baseball is so fun, why not award the players with fun trophies and awards? Trophies when they are younger are always so much fun because it is so exciting for them to have their own trophy. We have this really great Value Line Baseball Trophy great for kids. There is, of course, the space for custom engraving, which will make that kid feel even greater about winning the award. The orange really stands out from the gray stone, making it very fun and energetic.

baseball glove, ball and bats awardThis Baseball and Glove award is something else. This award is such a fun award for any age and are one of our popular selections. You can’t go wrong with the classic glove, ball and bats, and we take these iconic symbols and make them look completely beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to have this on their trophy shelf? Break up the line of shiny trophies with this beautiful stone award.

Bendable baseball trophyOne of our top favorite baseball trophies is this Bendable Baseball award. Have you ever seen any award this fun? A lot of people think.. “Once you get an award all you can do it look at it”… Not here! This is one of the best awards for kids because they will actually get to bend the arms and legs and just have fun with it!

Unconventional Trophies and Awards

When you think of trophy do you immediately think of a sport like football, baseball or basketball? Most people do, but something that we take pride in is our large variety of different kinds of trophies. We offer trophies for pretty much everything. Just a small list of our more unconventional trophies include broomball, livestock / animal / tractor, and sailing trophies.

qtbroomncBroomball is a sport similar to ice hockey as it is played on a hockey rink with two teams. Each team has six players on the ice and the object of the game is to get the ball into the opponents net. The difference between hockey and broomball is that there are no ice skates, a small ball is used rather than a puck, and they use sticks with rubber ends shaped like brooms rather than hockey sticks. This is a fun recreational game for anyone to play. Being able to offer a trophy at the end of a fun broomball game or season will be a fun way to wrap up all of the fun you had with your team and friends.

qtsteer3cPeople may not know, but competing in livestock / animal / and tractor competitions is really a big thing. People work so hard to get their animals into the perfect condition for showing. People commonly show their pigs, cattle, chickens, horses, goats and plenty more. These competitions consist of judges looking at muscle, structural correctness, frame size, style and balance of the livestock. People take a large pride in their farm animals, and work so hard to get them looking perfect for competition. We have a great selection of livestock trophies just for this, and just like any other competition, a trophy is definitely something the winner is going to want to show off.

qtsailboatttWhen most people think of sailing, they probably think of it as a leisure activity that is relaxing, but little do these people know that there is a large competition for sailing. There are different varieties of competitive sailing, but the main goal of the competition is a race between the sailboats. Competitive sailing requires talent and skills just like any other sport or activity, and that is why we offer a beautiful selection of sailing trophies, that any sailor would want to show off.


Maybe after hearing about just a few of our unconventional trophies we have to offer, maybe it will get you up to try a new activity and broaden your spectrum!

Trophy Central’s Best Sellers

At Trophy Central we carry a very large inventory of various awards, trophies, displays, sports items, and ribbons. There are hundreds and hundreds of items but among them are some of the top sellers that customers keep coming back for because of our top notch service and high quality items. We are known for our trophies here are a couple best sellers in that category. Knowing what past customers are pleased with helps make a decision easier.


This general achievement award makes an impression. A classis pose in black and gold looks great on an award shelf. The base is made of black marble with natural veins of white making each on unique. Award measures approximately 10.5″.


Custom Pennants are a consistent favorite with customers. Popular for sporting events and rallies personalized pennants bring a fun touch for school events or a party. Both the pennant flag and stick can be personalized with your team, school or sponsor’s name.


These ribbons are a solid choice for events, everyone can receive one and have a memento to bring home. They are packed in groups of 25 with the same color and title, we have many to choose from.

Summer Sports Fun, Baseball Trophies and More

There are so many fun sports during the summer time. One of the biggest ones is Little League Baseball. Boys and girls baseball leagues are all over the country playing weekly games of this great American pasttime. Trophy central carries a variety of baseball trophies and other baseball items for the many tournaments and games all summer long. See our Sports Trophies section or search the site, if you can’t locate what you are looking for please email; SALES@TROPHYCENTRAL.COM


These colorful baseball medals are great tokens of participation. Children swell with pride when they receive a medal to wear and get to display them in their bedrooms. When asked about the medal they get to recount the achievement. This is a great confidence builder.


These mugs let Moms and Dads have a reminder of watching their favorite players develop their skills over the years. Many hours are spent at the ball field cheering the players on. The mugs are also available in Football, Soccer, and Basketball. Your team name or player name can be printed on the mug.


This cast stone baseball trophy is fully modeled and painted by hand. There is an engraving area to add customization for team names or player names. Engraving can be on a plate or directly on the stone with an email request. This trophy is also available in other sport themes.


Finally your player would love the classic baseball player winding up to hit a Grand Slam. Every player should have one of these to commemorate their season. This is also customizable. Trophy Central also carries other baseball accessories such as jerseys and covers for pitching machines. If you don’t see something you are looking for please ask!

Happy Independence Day


We are two short days away from the birth of our nation, Independence Day. The adoption of the Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, now known as the United Kingdom, happened on July 4, 1776.  It has been 238 years of celebrations which include parades, fireworks, barbeques, family reunions, ball games, speeches and ceremonies.

It is a holiday every American looks forward to in the Summer.

When patriotism is close to our hearts on a holiday like the 4th of July, Americans tend to think of the heroes in their lives. To commemorate them we carry flag cases, medal display cases, service coin display racks and awards. Visit our Flag Display Cases and Military Coin Racks page to view all of our great merchandise to celebrate the heroes in our lives who ensure or freedom.

flag case



flagmedal case

A very Happy 4th of July to all, be safe and have fun! Let Freedom Ring!

Summer Sport Camps are Starting

Summer is here, yeah! We waited a long time for this. It is time to begin sport camps. There are many different types during the summer months for all popular sports. There are day camps and overnight camps too. As a reward for a job well done at camp you can encourage you child with trophy or award for their hard work during camp. Children need to be acknowledged and encouraged, it helps them strive to get better. We all love acknowledgement for our hard work.

Trophy Central has a great selection of awards, ribbons, medals, and trophies that can be personalized to cheer your favorite little athlete on. They take pride in a job well done and having some memorabilia from their hard work will be a reminder of how good they felt after developing their new skill.

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Summer Break is Here!

imagesYahoo, the kids are out of school for the summer. This is such a fun time of the year for kids and teachers especially. There is so much to do in the summer. Keeping kids motivated is one thing parents sometimes struggle with. A great tool for motivation is incentives such as awards and trophies. Kids need encouragement, it doesn’t have to cost a lot or be extravagant to be effective. Small tokens are great for keeping them interested in a certain area.

To keep the kids going on their reading through the summer try awards and medals on ribbons. They will love to “earn” the next step. Reading through the summer will keep them on target and help to avoid that fall catch-up period when school starts up again. Motivations can also be given for keeping up with chores other accomplishments. Have a great summer everyone, here’s to staying motivated and on track!