Show Off Your Graduation Accomplishments

Graduation is coming up soon for high school and college, and it is one of the biggest days of the grads’ life. Students have worked so hard for so many years, and it all comes down to this one day. For high school grads, the big graduation day is the day that can’t come fast enough. For college grads, I think the day they get a job in their field is the day that can’t come fast enough. Getting a career is one thing, but getting a career in the field studied is even more amazing. It reassures the student that all they have done these last four or more years has been completely worth it. College is really the best investment, and this is something that we want to applaud.We don’t just salute athletes, we want all graduates to be so proud of everything they have done.


diploma frameMore often than not, people just set aside their diploma and let it collect dust. Some diplomas aren’t even that lucky and get lost and are never seen again. Why wouldn’t you put your diploma not only in a safe place, but in a place where you can see it all the time or show it off? If you have an office, this is a great place to put it. Be proud of where you went to school, and show people where you came from and what you have accomplished. Our diploma frames offer a beautiful way to show off and protect your diploma. We have multiple sizes and colors to compliment any sort of diploma or certificate.

clock with photo holderIf you are looking to get someone a graduation gift, our standing clock with photo holder is something that anyone would like to put at their first desk. You are able to put in whatever picture you would like, whether it be a sports photo, a grad photo or any sort of photo that sits next to a beautiful clock. Below the clock you can custom engrave it to add a whole other level of personalized and special. There isn’t anyone who wouldn’t want this on their desk.

eco-friendly plaqueFor those eco-friendly goers (which we all should try to be) we have beautiful eco-friendly bamboo plaques. These are our natural plaques that can be custom engraved to show everyone what you have accomplished while staying true to your green life. These are great for the green companies or green accomplishments. They are also look amazing next to your other awards that shine. The contrast of the two really makes each award stand out.

Best Sellers Everyone Loves

The entire point of TrophyCentral was to make it easy for people to have access to and buy trophies and awards and we take pride in the fact that we are still able to offer this easy access to such a wide variety of trophies, awards and more. It is such an amazing thing that we were able to expand our dream and be able to offer trophies and awards in almost every sport and hobby imaginable along with academic, corporate, cases, jewelry, personalized gifts, and unbelievably so much more. We have so much fun being able to make such a wide variety of people smile with all of our products.

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We have amazing customers and they are the reason for where we are today. Here are some of our best sellers.

star awardThis Star Insert Award is great for someone who gives away trophies for multiple sports. There are hundreds of different inserts for this award. This is one that can be customized to really anything you could want with the plate and the personalized engraving on the base. you are also able to chose the color, and we have a gray speckled stone as seen as well as a dark stone color . Both options are very beautiful.

ribbonsOne of our other best sellers is from our choice of ribbons. These are our classic ribbons with card and string that have been around for so many years and will be around for many more. These ribbons are such a classic award that are really great for large competitions and events. The card on the back allows for the winner to write one it to remember the date, event, etc. of the winning ribbon. We love selling these because we know that when these are ordered, everyone will be getting an award that day and that means that everyone is going to be happy.

shirt name tagsSomething else that we have that people might not realize we have are shirt name tags. Take a moment to think about how many times you see a name tag a day.. it’s a lot! They are definitely a necessity for so many businesses. We know how important it is for companies to be able to distinguish themselves form everyone else, so of course we are customizable and offer a variety of different sizes and colors for all businesses.


Show Off Your Trophy

Screen Shot 2014-12-28 at 5.14.10 PMWe love seeing when people can show off their beautiful trophies, awards and anything significant. Hearing that trophies often go unseen and stuck in the closet breaks our hearts. Show off everything you have ever worked so hard for, and show off anything that reminds you of a time that makes you happy or the journey you went through! The best decorations around the house or office are the ones that bring happy memories and joyful thoughts.

Trophies are amazing by themselves, but to compliment them, items from a sport and pictures from a sport or group really looks great next to them. They can give your display a variety, color contrast and dimension! Different items really work together and will give you even more amazing memories.

Send us a picture of your trophy display or sports memorabilia that makes you happy every time you look at it! We will post you on our facebook for everyone to see!

Show off Your Diploma

School is something so important in a person’s life, and there is really nothing to be more proud of than a degree. We, as well as many others, believe that college is the best investment in a person’s life and can really only benefit them in the future. For some college students, school may be coming to an end this December when they graduate.

We know that you will have a job to show forth all the things you have accomplished over the years, but just like a sport, when there is all that hard work and dedication put into something to get an amazing end result, and award is something that should be given. When we graduate we are awarded with a certificate. This small piece of paper is basically everything we have been working for. If this piece of paper is so important then why shouldn’t it be held appropriately and shown off like a trophy?

customdiplomaWe have many different products to hold your degree in. We have a variety of colors of diploma / certificate holders that offer a book like protection. These padded covers will protect your certificate from getting bent or spilled on, and these covers allow for individual or group personalizing. No matter what the size of the certificate may be we have a variety of sizes.

cermounWe also have certificate mounts, so you are able to not only protect your certificate from being bent, but you are also able to show off what you worked so hard for. These are great for graduation parties. The whole point of the party is to celebrate your graduation, so showing it off is a must.

pn4642wlWe also offer plaques to hold your certificate. These are great for the office. Many people keep their diplomas at work. They went to school and put in all that hard work for the position they have at work now, so why wouldn’t they put up their accomplishments in the most fitting place? We have a beautiful walnut plaque that would compliment any certificate.

Enjoy Trophies In A New Way


Do you have old trophies stored in your closet, that you don’t know what to do with anymore? Well, besides showing off your amazing accomplishments with them, you can use them in more ways than you think! You can decorate your house with trophies in really beautiful ways. Not only can you use trophies to decorate your house, but you can also use them for parties. Trophies are something you don’t ever want to throw away, so why would you?

trophy vaseOne of the most elegant ideas we have is to use a trophy as a vase to hold your beautiful flowers. The rustic metal look of your old trophy contrasts amazing against your beautiful delicate flowers. This can go with whatever theme your house is going for. You can keep the bright shine of the trophy for a modern look, or use the old trophies and some worn painted wood for the rustic look.

trophy pillowsDo you have a son or daughter that is really into sports? Or do you have a husband that has a man cave filled with sports things and trophies? Either one, these award pillows would look great in any room of theirs. You can use some of the patches you won and either iron on or sew them onto any pillow you want! A little DIY project that will be fun and celebrate your amazing accomplishments.

wine toppersUnfortunately, we understand that trophies can break, but there is a way to turn this unfortunate event into something positive. If you have a broken trophy, you can take that beautiful topper and turn it into a bottle quark. Just hot glue, or whatever strong adhesive you prefer, the trophy topper to a bottle quark. An easy DIY that is fun and simple and can turn something broken into something amazing. This would be great for a sports themed wedding or some sort of sports themed party.

trophy holdersDo you have a work room where you either paint, do crafts, anything? Having a fun arts and crafts room would be amazing. When working on creating a crafts room, storage can be a real issue. No where to put your paintbrushes? Store them in a trophy! Just like earlier, you can either go with a new, shiny trophy to be bright and bold, or you can go with an older trophy and have a more old, rustic look for your craft room. You can also use these trophy ideas in the kitchen for kitchen utensils.

trophy cupcakeGrad parties are always so much fun to decorate. This is a great place to show off the trophies he or she has won throughout their lives. A fun way to show off a sports themed grad party would be to add plates to the trophy. You can then use them as cupcake or food trays. It is a creative way to do something simple.

Sing And Play For That Amazing Musical Award

music notes

Is music a big part of your life? For so many students music is part of who they are and we want to be able to celebrate them! For some time now music has been a struggling part of school programs, but we know that there are a lot of people trying to save the music programs. We stand behind these people, schools, and kids wanting to keep the music alive. Music is such an amazing thing for people and their lives, and if we can boost people’s love for music we will do all we can!

Something that we can offer to music lovers are the awards that acknowledge people’s amazing talents. We have a huge selection of different music trophies, awards, medals, and pins. Just like any sport you should be able to show off your talents and accomplishments.

Screen Shot 2014-09-09 at 3.14.48 PMFor those really large music competition, you will want to award that #1 winner with something of that size. Let the audience in the back row be blow away by not only your musical talents but the award you won for it. Being able to show off such a large two-tier trophy would make anyone proud of what they have accomplished and overcame. Always look at the beautiful, fun musical not on the top and be reminded of what beauty and joy music brings to your life.

Screen Shot 2014-09-09 at 2.21.43 PMIf you have a smaller music competition or a recital of some sort a smaller music award might be what you are looking for. Just because they are smaller doesn’t mean they are not as beautiful and something to be just as proud of! these music awards have so much detail and are so unique, it will be something to show off forever. Screen Shot 2014-09-09 at 2.21.24 PM



Music in school is something amazing, and being able to be proud of it is even more amazing. Just like sports people wear pins of the sports they excel in. Why shouldn’t people in music programs do just the same?? Show off your abilities, band, and/or group all of the time with any sort of musical pin you need.

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School Trophies Will Motivate!

kids at desksThe school year is right around the corner! As we all know kids need to be getting excited about school, and not only do they need to get excited about school, but they need to keep that excitement throughout the school year! This can definitely be tough for students. We all know that students can can bored, or tired of school as the year goes on, but there are definitely ways to regenerate that excitement about learning!

Kids need reinforcement! Offering a child the opportunity to win is definitely a way to help push students to learn and get going on school. If we can get them excited about learning, and to realize that learning and winning go hand in hand there is no stopping where these kids can go!kids school

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If you put a trophy in the sight of a child, there is nothing that child won’t do to win. This academic lamp of knowledge trophy is something the students are going to work so hard for, and something they would be proud of years to come. When one student sees another student being awarded for his or her hard work, it only pushes them to work that much harder.


If you are working with younger students, or are working with a more simple route, having these motivational stickers around is the perfect thing. Students need to be reminded that what they are doing is something to be proud of, and something we realized they are working so hard at. Just by giving a simple sticker will get those kids to work hard, because what student doesn’t want a sticker?

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Not only do the kids need to be recognized for all of their hard work, but so do the teachers. Being a teacher is one of the hardest and underrated jobs there is. If you think about taking care of 30+ kids a day, what goes through your head? For most people crazy thoughts. Teachers go out of their way to push kids to their full potential and that is not easy. Teachers need to know how much respect everyone has for them!kids reading

This beautiful crystal apple trophy is something so beautiful that would remind them how much their work is appreciated, and how important they are to every child. It has the sense of traditional times with the apple, yet also shows a time of now and the future with the clear crystal and black block. What teacher wouldn’t love to see this every day?

crystal apple

Trophy Central’s Best Sellers

At Trophy Central we carry a very large inventory of various awards, trophies, displays, sports items, and ribbons. There are hundreds and hundreds of items but among them are some of the top sellers that customers keep coming back for because of our top notch service and high quality items. We are known for our trophies here are a couple best sellers in that category. Knowing what past customers are pleased with helps make a decision easier.


This general achievement award makes an impression. A classis pose in black and gold looks great on an award shelf. The base is made of black marble with natural veins of white making each on unique. Award measures approximately 10.5″.


Custom Pennants are a consistent favorite with customers. Popular for sporting events and rallies personalized pennants bring a fun touch for school events or a party. Both the pennant flag and stick can be personalized with your team, school or sponsor’s name.


These ribbons are a solid choice for events, everyone can receive one and have a memento to bring home. They are packed in groups of 25 with the same color and title, we have many to choose from.

Summer Break is Here!

imagesYahoo, the kids are out of school for the summer. This is such a fun time of the year for kids and teachers especially. There is so much to do in the summer. Keeping kids motivated is one thing parents sometimes struggle with. A great tool for motivation is incentives such as awards and trophies. Kids need encouragement, it doesn’t have to cost a lot or be extravagant to be effective. Small tokens are great for keeping them interested in a certain area.

To keep the kids going on their reading through the summer try awards and medals on ribbons. They will love to “earn” the next step. Reading through the summer will keep them on target and help to avoid that fall catch-up period when school starts up again. Motivations can also be given for keeping up with chores other accomplishments. Have a great summer everyone, here’s to staying motivated and on track!

Top School Trophies

Can you believe that it’s almost the end of another school year? March is nearing its end, and the “100th Day of School” was celebrated months ago. Graduation invitations are already being mailed out and kids are working on plans for summer–whether that includes a summer job, a family vacation, or a fun sport or activity.

The end of the school year is a perfect time to reflect on what was learned and accomplished. It’s a big deal to do well in school, and we think that academic achievements should be celebrated!

We have some fantastic school-related trophies here at Trophy Central.

Here are some of our top school trophies:



1. This is a classic lamp of knowledge and learning. It represents academic excellence in schools all around the world. This particular trophyA comes with a marble base and free engraving. It is the perfect trophy for a team or individual award for younger children. It measures approximately 4″ tall and its versatility makes it extremely popular.

2. As we mentioned before, graduation is quickly approaching. We are super excited for the class of 2014 and wish them all luck on the exciting and upcoming journey into the real world! A graduation trophy is a great way to remember accomplishments in high school and awarded at graduation time (such as graduating with honors). This trophy is part of out Resin Trophy Series and is made of sculptured resin and is hand painted and lacquered. This comes with three lines of engraving and can be ordered with a male or female figurine.




3. This is another popular one for us. Although not a traditional trophy, this honor student medal is very popular. It has a colorful insert and gold frame. You are able to have optional engraving on the back for just $0.69. Additional customization options include the choice of ribbon type and color , whether or not you want the ribbon attached, and if you’d like to order a box to go with it. Report cards come out soon, so get yours in time to reward those with the grades to qualify as an honor student!